Tax Lien Sale


Real Estate Tax Lien Sale Information

General Information

The Morgan County Real Estate Tax Lien Sale is held via the Zeus Auction website. For support, call SRI, Inc. at 1-800-800-9588.


The dates for the 2024 auction are shown below.

Registration Opens: 8:00 am MDT, Monday, October 28, 2024
Registration Closes: 5:00 pm MDT, Monday, November 11, 2024

Auction Opens: 8:00 am MDT, Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Auction Closes: 5:00 pm MDT, Thursday, November 14, 2024

Delinquent Real Estate Tax List
The delinquent real estate tax list is advertised in The Morgan County Times.  The list is also posted on the auction web site shown above and on this website.

ALL POTENTIAL BIDDERS MUST REGISTER BEFORE THE AUCTION OPENS even if you were registered last year. Registration is online at the auction website. Registration includes the completion of an IRS required W-9 form. Further details of the registration process are available on the website. We encourage everyone to register in advance of the registration deadline so that you have time to do your research.

Premium Bids
The investor offering the highest premium purchases the tax. Minimum premium bids are $1.00. Please note that any premiums WILL NOT be refunded.

Payment Terms
When the auction ends, the high bidders are notified by email. Auction results are also available for anyone to examine for a minimum of five (5) days after closing. If the high bidder fails to pay according to the terms for each sale, the high bidder will lose their right to the item purchased and will be barred from bidding on this site in all future auctions.

  • Payment for all winning bids will be made by ACH from the bidder’s account that was used in the registration process. This is the only form of payment accepted.
  • The bidder is responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient funds in the account that is used in the registration process.
  • The transfer will be initiated as soon as it is practical to do so following the close of the auction.

Non-payments or payments that are rejected due to lack of funds or other reasons may result in cancellation of the corresponding bid(s) subject to CRS 39-11-116.

County Held Liens
Any taxes not sold at the auction are held by the county and are normally available for purchase from the Treasurer's office. Follow the County Held Certificates Available For Sale link at the top of the page for current figures.

Rate of Return
The interest rate on taxes purchased at the tax lien sale is nine percentage points above the discount rate paid to the Federal Reserve Bank on September 1st. The rate on the certificate will remain the same for the life of that certificate.

The rate of return for certificates sold in 2023 was 15%.

Following the Sale
You will receive a listing or copies showing each tax lien you purchased. The original certificates will be held in our office for safekeeping. If the taxes in ensuing years become delinquent, you will be notified in July and given the opportunity to endorse (pay and add) the taxes to the certificates you hold. You will receive the same interest rate on subsequent taxes as on the original certificate. When tax liens are redeemed, a check will be forwarded to you for the amount of tax purchased plus interest from the month of sale to the month of redemption. You will not be refunded any premiums. You will receive a 1099 showing the amount of redemption interest paid to you. A copy is also sent to the IRS.

Colorado State Statutes
Copies of the Colorado State Statutes are available at your local library or on the internet at www.colorado.gov.

Bidder Eligibility and Disclaimer
Unpaid property taxes on real estate are sold at a public tax lien auction each year for the amount of taxes due plus interest and fees. Morgan County's tax lien sale is an open internet auction. Anyone, excepting county employees and their immediate families, may purchase tax liens.

Please note that you are only purchasing a property tax lien. You are not being granted any property rights. There is a three year redemption period for most properties sold at the tax lien sale and during that time, the property still belongs to the assessed owner. Most investors participate in the sale because the interest rates are attractive. Very few property tax liens actually go to deed. The Treasurer of Morgan County makes no assertions or guarantees concerning the properties for which the tax liens are being offered. As with any investment, there is a certain degree of risk involved in purchasing tax liens and potential buyers should consider consulting with a financial advisor before investing.


Manufactured Housing Tax Lien Sale Information

Current law specifies that after the distraint sale of a mobile home to collect delinquent property taxes, any surplus proceeds from the sale must be credited to the county general fund.  Upon passage, Senate Bill 24-183 will temporarily suspend such distraint sales as well as the accrual of delinquent interest and create a task force to make recommendations for statutory changes in order to bring state law into compliance with the United States Supreme Court's recent decision affirming a property owner's constitutional right to the value of their property in excess of their tax debt.