Xcel Energy - Colorado's Power Pathway Project
Land Use Applications
The Morgan County Planning and Zoning Department administers the permits for the unincorporated portion of the County for buildings and structures as well as changes in land use. Zoning Regulations have been adopted in Morgan County to ensure that land within the county is used to its highest potential. The zoning regulations also specify minimum lot sizes, minimum set backs, maximum building heights and maximum lot coverage.
A land use application is required for all development in Morgan County. Failure to submit an application prior to beginning work will result in double fees being charged.
Property taxes must be current prior to any application being processed.
Any person planning on submitting a land use application shall first schedule a pre-application meeting with the Planning and Zoning Department staff. The pre-application meeting will determine the application required, determination of deadlines and fees.
Return completed applications to the Planning and Zoning Department. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Referral notices will be sent to utilities companies, irrigation companies, municipalities, government agencies and companies with easements. Landowners in the vicinity of the proposed project will be notified and provided an opportunity to comment.
Variances require one hearing to be held by the Board of Adjustments and may include:
- Enforcement of regulations
- Number of residences per parcel
- Minimum Bulk Requirements (lot area, lot width, setbacks, off street parking requirements)
- Maximum Requirements (height of structure, fences and lot coverage)
- Sign setback requirements
All other applications will require two hearings.
- The first hearing is held by the Planning Commission.
- The second hearing is held by the Board of County Commissioners and is scheduled following the first hearing.
The Planning Commission meets once a month on the second Monday at 6:00 p.m., and the Board of Adjustments meets once a month on the third Monday at 5:30 p.m. All meetings are held at the Morgan County Administration Building, 231 Ensign Street, Fort Morgan, CO 80701 in the Commissioners' Assembly Room - Floor B.
Sign postings are required for planned developments, special and conditional uses and rezoning. Signage is provided by the Planning and Zoning Department and must be posted on the subject property.
The following documents are required for recording approved applications:
- Resolution - prepared by County
- Mylar Plat Map - prepared by surveyor (applicant’s responsibility)
- Certificate - prepared by Planning and Zoning Department
- Resolution - prepared by Planning and Zoning Department
Once the required documents have been recorded, the application is closed by:
- Planning and Zoning will send a copy of the recorded document (certificate or resolution) to the applicant
- The applicant records the deed(s).
Recording a deed does not complete planning processes for development.
Remember: Title to any parcel cannot transfer until all required documents have been recorded in the Morgan County Clerk and Recorder's Office.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. The State of Colorado requires all divisions of property containing less than 35 acres to go through a subdivision process. Proof of water, either a public system tap or a well construction permit, will be required. The State Water Engineer has to approve the well permit on the proposed exemption prior to you receiving a drilling permit from the State.
Yes. A building permit is required for all structures over 120 square feet and have a roof, this includes but not limited to a home, garage, barn, equipment building, grain bins, and communication towers. The documentation that the parcel has been legally created. See the permit application for specific requirements. All setbacks for the zone have to be met.
All residential zone districts require the issuance of conditional use permit prior to establishing a home occupation.
Yes, a Special Use Permit is required. Expansion of a concentrated animal feeding operation or livestock confinement facility that increases the capacity of the facility shall require a Land Use Permit. (See Agricultural Structures and Activities Section 4-190, page 4-5 of the Zoning Regulations)
Six weeks is the shortest amount of time it will take to process an application. Contact the Administrator for your specific request because the time depends of many factors, which is not limited to but includes the following:
- Acceptance of the complete application.
- The type of permit being requested.
- Review of the application by the Administrator.
- Review of the application by other agencies and municipalities and comments received need to be addressed prior to approval.
- Required notification by letter to adjacent landowners and mineral interests.
Related Documents
Policies and Documents
Land Use
- Boundary Line Adjustment, Amended Plat, Replat, & Plat Vacation Application
- Burial Notification Permit
- Conditional Use Permit Application
- Conditional Use - Oil & Gas Permit Application
- Exemption from Subdivision Regulations
- Amended Exemption from Subdivision Application
- Floodplain Development Permit Application
- Lot Combination Agreement Application
- Morgan County Right to Farm Policy/Notice
- Major Subdivision Application
- Minor Subdivision Application
- Planned Development
- Rezoning Application
- Sign Placement Permit
- Special Use Permit Application
- Temporary Use Permit Application
- Variance to Zoning Regulations Application
- Vesting
- Wind, Solar, & BESS Construction Permit Application
- Wind, Solar, & BESS Renewal Permit Application