Road and Bridge

Bruce Bass

Public Works Director

John Goodman

Road Supervisor

James Rehn

Bridge Supervisor

Contact Road and Bridge

17303 County Rd. S, P.O. Box 516
Fort Morgan, CO 80701
970-542-3569 (fax)

Hours of Operation

Winter Hours:
October through March
Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Summer Hours:
April through September, 
Monday to Thursday
7:00 am to 5:00 pm

The Morgan County Road & Bridge Department provides maintenance and construction of roads, bridges and storm drainage facilities in the public right-of-way throughout Morgan County. Road and Bridge is responsible for year round maintenance of the county’s transportation infrastructure for the citizens who not only live and work in Morgan County but also for those that travel through Morgan County.

The Road Department maintains 1,034.21 roadway miles, of which 208.10 miles are asphalt-surfaced and 826.11 miles are gravel surfaced. The Bridge Department maintains 173 bridges of which 61 are Minor bridges (less than 20’) and 112 are Major bridges (over 20’).

In 2016, the Road and Bridge Department implemented a new asset management software package to track their physical assets (roads, signs, bridges, culverts) and costs associated with maintaining those assets. The new system is also being used to track driveway permits. In addition to cost data being tracked, electronic documents are also being attached to the assets to aid in research and historical documentation for each asset. The new system will be used in budgeting asset replacement projects and overall decision making in maintenance and construction/reconstruction of Road and Bridge assets.