Civil Process

Civil Process

The Civil Unit is responsible for the service of civil processes. These processes include, but are not limited to: Writ of Restitutions/Evictions. The Civil Unit receives approximately 300 civil process papers/orders per month. A fee is charged for the Sheriff’s Office to complete the process, per State Statute 30-1-104.

Start Here

  • General Information Sheet: Complete the Civil Process Information Sheet and include any documents submitted to our Civil Unit.
  • Civil Service Fees: View the complete list of Civil Fees for Service. Fees are due at the time of service. If you are due a refund, it will be received within 60 days from the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office.
  • Payment: We accept cash, check, or certified funds. Make Checks Payable to Morgan County Sheriff’s Office. Credit cards are accepted with an additional fee.


Protection Orders

Protection Orders take priority over all other types of service. This is due to the potential for injury related to these situations. For information on how to obtain a protection order, call the Morgan County Court Clerk at (970) 542-5200. The Court Clerk’s Office is located at 400 Warner, Fort Morgan, CO 80701, Front door to the Justice Center.

We serve the majority of Protection Orders for the public. The fee for this service is $35.00 plus mileage.

If you need to report a violation that has already occurred, contact the non-emergency dispatch at (970) 867-2461. If it is an emergency, call 911.

Civil Standby

The Morgan County Sheriff’s Office will provide civil standbys in the following circumstances:

The individual requesting the civil standby is the defendant of a criminal restraining order, in which the court has allowed for a one-time civil standby in writing. A copy of the restraining order must be brought to the Sheriff’s Office for review prior to a civil standby being scheduled.

The individual requesting the civil standby is the defendant who was served a civil kick out restraining order. The Sheriff’s Office will allow a one-time civil standby.

The Morgan County Sheriff’s Office will only do civil standbys at locations within their jurisdiction. If the location of the civil standby is in another jurisdiction, you will be referred to the responsible agency.

Standbys are for 10 to 15 minutes to collect clothing, toiletries, medication, and any other item needed for day to day living AND any item which is specifically needed for work (specialized tools, etc…) that are not disputed by the plaintiff. If the individual wants to remove furniture we advise them to find a mutual friend of both parties to remove the items. If property or vehicles are disputed they stay at the residence.


If you are inquiring for information on tenant/landlord disputes, we suggest you see Colorado Revised Statutes Title 38, Article 12, or an Attorney. Evictions are the end result of a landlord-tenant dispute. The State Statutes are very specific on the steps that need to be taken in order to evict a tenant. Writ of Restitutions/Evictions are the second-highest priority of the Civil Unit. These court orders are time-sensitive and have to be scheduled in advance of their execution.

The eviction process involves four basic steps:

  • Notice to Vacate or Demand for Compliance or Possession
  • Summons in Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer (FED)
  • Court Hearing
  • Writ of Restitution, service, and execution

Learn more about the Eviction Process.