Emergency Management

The Morgan County Emergency Management Department is responsible for providing coordination of elected offices, county departments and emergency response agencies in preparedness, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery to emergencies and disasters.

Sign Up for Morgan County's Early Warning Alert System(opens in new window)

Morgan County's Early Warning Alert System

Morgan County early warning alert system, CodeRED(opens in new window), sends emergency notifications by phone, email and text to keep community members and subscribers informed of events such as evacuation notices, utility outages, water main breaks, floods and hazardous materials spills.

Roger Doll, Director

231 Ensign St., Suite 104
Fort Morgan, CO 80701

970-542-3511 (fax)

For assistance in the event of a manmade or natural disaster, please use the following contact numbers:

Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 970-542-3510
Fax: 970-542-5311
After Hours: 970-867-8531

How Emergency Alerts Work

The process begins when the County issues a message about a potential safety hazard or concern. Messages will be sent to all standard voice and data communication devices that are registered in the system including land line phones, cell phones, e-mail, and more. If you don’t receive receipt of the message, the system will try to reach your second contact number or email. The system will continue trying to contact you until it receives a confirmation from you.

To receive important communications from the County, you must register the voice and text communication devices where you wish to receive messages.

Sign up for Emergency Alerts

Alerts are sent out from the CodeRED system for emergency incidents affecting the Morgan County area only but you do not need to be a resident of Morgan County to sign up for alerts. Anyone can register/subscribe to the system. For example, if you have a parent or family member living in Morgan County but you reside elsewhere, you can subscribe and receive notifications that would affect your family member.

Residential and business land line phones throughout Morgan County are automatically included in notifications sent from the CodeRED system. All cell phones and email addresses need to be registered by any subscriber wishing to receive calls, texts or email notifications on those devices. You can prioritize the order for you devices in which you would like the system to send notifications. All information you provide will be kept strictly confidential.

Morgan County encourages everyone to register with the CodeRED system to ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens. Register for CodeRED alerts(opens in new window).

Pre-Disaster Plans

2013 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan(opens in new window)

Additional Resources: