Board of Adjustments and Appeals

The Board of Adjustment shall perform such functions and duties as are provided by the Colorado Revised Statutes and by the Morgan County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations.

The Board of Adjustment shall consist of five (5) voting members and two (2) associate members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for three (3) years. In the event that any regular member of the Board of Adjustment is temporarily unable to act, an associate member shall temporarily fill their position.

Not more than one (1) member of such board may at any time be serving concurrent term on the Planning Commission.

The Board of Adjustment meets at 5:30 P.M. on the third Monday of each month provided there is business to conduct. The hearings are held in Assembly Room of the Morgan County Administration Building, 231 Ensign St., (Basement Level, elevator entrance) Fort Morgan, Colorado.


Allyn Wind - Chairman
Charles Ruyle - Vice Chair
Jason Enfante
Paula Keefe
Vacant - 1 Member
Vacant - 2 Alternates