Building Maintenance

The Morgan County Building and Maintenance Department is responsible for the repair, maintenance, landscaping of grounds, and sidewalk snow removal for all County facilities.

Major buildings under the care of this department include the Morgan County Administration Building, Morgan County Judicial Complex (which includes the Sheriff’s Department, Jail and Courts), Morgan County Department of Human Services Building, Morgan County Road and Bridge and Fleet Shop, Morgan County CSU Cooperative Extension Building, Morgan County Ambulance Station, Morgan County Landfill Facility and the Morgan County Fairgrounds.

Skilled services provided by this department include electrical, HVAC, heating and plumbing. Building Maintenance also oversees all remodeling and facility modification projects for County facilities.

During the week of the Morgan County Fair, the Building Maintenance Department is essential in preparing the fairgrounds facilities for all 4-H and livestock events. The Building Maintenance Department also oversees building access and security for County facilities.

Dave Cornwell, Supervisor

17475 Hwy 144
Fort Morgan, CO 80701

970-542-3569 (fax)