Solid Waste Management

Hours of Operation

Regular Hours March through December

Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Winter Hours January through February

Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
First Saturday of each month  8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All other Saturdays closed

Cass Yearous, Director

21448 CR 22
Fort Morgan, CO 80701

970-867-0813 (fax)

Holiday Schedule

View the 2025 Hours of Operation and Holiday Schedule

The landfill is closed all major holidays as well as extremely windy, rainy or other days when county offices close due to inclement weather. Local radio stations will announce any closures for inclement weather. It is best to call ahead of time at the above number if you are in question.

Fee Schedule

The Solid Waste Management Department is responsible for solid waste management, recycling, and a variety of environmental and resource management functions. The Solid Waste Management Department is funded by landfill fees only and receives no tax dollars. The Solid Waste Disposal Facilities of Morgan County are designed to provide services for municipal solid waste (MSW) generated by the residents of Morgan County.

Cash or in-county checks and debit/credit cards are accepted. A convenience fee of 75¢ plus 2.50% on assessed fees will be charged if a debit/credit card is used.

2025 - Fee Schedule

Acceptance Policies

Acceptance Policy – Long Form

Morgan County has adopted a Solid Waste Acceptance Policy to provide guidelines for accepting specific wastes for disposal at the Morgan County Landfill and to insure that inappropriate wastes are not accepted. This policy contains a complete list of wastes. An abbreviated list of the most common forms of solid waste can be reviewed in our Municipal Solid Waste (MWS) Acceptance Policy – Short Form.

Special Waste Acceptance Application

The Structural Demolition packet is required to be submitted for all demolition projects being landfilled. This packet is to be submitted in conjunction with a copy of any state or city demolition permits to landfill staff prior to demolition.

For all loads entering the Morgan County Landfill

Sludge, liquid wastes, combustion renderings, radioactive waste, PCB’s, friable asbestos, or hazardous wastes are not accepted. The term “hazardous” means, any solid, liquid, or gaseous waste, regardless of the amount, which is defined to be hazardous under any applicable federal, state, or local laws, rules, regulations, permits, or administrative or judicial decision, including, but not limited to those wastes listed or characterized as hazardous by the U.S. Environmental Agency (EPA).

All waste is subject to inspection prior to disposal. Wastes will not always be accepted on demand and may require special acceptance disposal fees.

Morgan County Solid Waste Site reserves the right to reject any or all waste not suitable for the site.

The Morgan County Landfill accepts a variety of recycling materials. All recycling materials need to be separated from regular household trash and placed in the proper receptacle/area at the landfill. Recycling materials are accepted at the landfill during regular business hours. Please check in at the front office when bringing in recycled materials.

General Household Recycling

Common Recyclables

Single Stream Recycling – No Fee. Aluminum cans, plastic bottles, paper bags, office paper, newspaper, paperboard and other paper and plastic materials can be recycled through Morgan County's single stream recycling program. These materials must be placed in the single stream recycling receptacle located at the Morgan County Landfill. For a complete list of acceptable/unacceptable single stream recycling materials, please see our Single Stream Recycling Brochure.

Must place in Electronic Recycling Area, Fee will be assessed by weight.

Fee assessed per television. Please see the Landfill Fee Schedule above. Place in the electronics recycling area at the Landfill.

No Fee in quantities of 2 ½ gallons or less. Place in oil receptacle at the Landfill.

No Fee. Place in the recycled metal pile at the Landfill.